After examining my options online, I decided there was no way to repair it cheaply, and that I'd bite the bullet and buy a new one.
I get to play with all manner of awesome gadgets, but my Kindle was one of the few tech toys I really loved. Seriously, I was crushed - no pun intended. The screen was ruined, with half of it unable to refresh, leaving a burnt in image, like an E Ink etching. I knew it was over before I shone the light from my mobile phone across the Kindle to inspect the damage. So, I let the dog out, stumbled back through the dark and heard a heartbreaking sound as I reached the bed a faint crack as I pressed my foot down on the screen of my Kindle. Goodnight, sweet prince.(Credit: Joe Hanlon/CNET) Happily, it was just my dog, scratching at the door to be let out for number ones. It was a dark and stormy night when I was awoken by a scratching, as though the corpse I had recently buried in my basement had come back to life and was clawing its way free. No, I'm not talking about getting ripped off by Diablo 3 scammers - this was much worse.